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May 12, 2020

After Lake Chad Offensive, April One of Deadliest Months in Boko Haram Conflict

April is now one of the deadliest months in nearly a decade of the Boko Haram conflict, according to data from the Nigeria Security Tracker, which now features geographic data from Niger, Chad, and Cameroon.

A Chadian soldier shields his face from dust kicked up by a helicopter in the recently retaken town of Damasak, Nigeria, March 18, 2015.

April 21, 2021

Deby's Death Heightens Uncertainty in Chad, West Africa

Chad strongman Idriss Deby's death on April 20, allegedly in combat with rebel forces that had crossed over from Libya, is bad news for the immediate struggle against jihadi radicalism in Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon. The news is also unwelcome for France and the United States.

A picture of recently deceased Chadian President Idriss Deby, sitting in front of a soldier wearing military fatigues.

August 31, 2012

Weekend Reading: Egyptian Labor, Syrian Brutality, and Gulf Stereotypes

Eric Lee at In These Times discusses Egypt’s unfinished labor revolution. Robin Yassin-Kassab, on his blog Qunfuz, writes about the Assad regime’s brutality, highlighting the recent massacre in Dara…


September 8, 2021

Coups are Back in West Africa

The coup in Guinea deposed Alpha Conde, who had been elected in less-than-credible elections.

Several men in military uniform ride in the back of a military pickup through the streets. Supporters line the streets with their arms outstretched.

February 8, 2022

West Africa
Recent Flurry of Coups Caps Longstanding Push for Inclusion and Belonging in Africa

The recent spate of coups in West Africa has unsurprisingly drawn the attention of African leaders. The resurgence of coups was high on the agenda of AU leaders who met last weekend in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital. Their condemnation of what a spokesperson described as a “wave of unconstitutional changes of government” was loud and unequivocal.

Mali's new interim president walks during his inauguration wearing formal military attire and a sash with the Malian flag's colors.