697 Results for:

October 23, 2005

China’s crazy numbers

The Big Picture is right.  China's growth numbers are not to be trusted.   China's growth almost certainly slowed more than the government acknowledged in say 1998 and 1999, after the Asian crisis.  …

October 28, 2005

United States
Yet more on Bernanke and the savings glut

Brad DeLong seems to have dug up what Dr. Bernanke thought about fiscal deficits before he discovered the global savings glut ...  namely, structural fiscal deficits tend to raise real interest rates…

November 6, 2005

What risks should the American workforce assume in a more global economy?

Sebastian Mallaby had an interesting column in last Monday's Washington Post.   Mallaby highlights what he calls the biggest economic argument of the day -- namely, what role does the government have…

November 21, 2005

Keith Bradsher demolishes the myth that China is a great market for American goods

The money quote in Bradsher's article in last Friday's New York Times comes from Matthew Crabbe: "The only US-produced items that I can think exist in large quantities in China are dollars bills." …

November 26, 2005

Kansas is flat, the world is not …

To paraphrase the New Economist, the Financial Times must think the world is flat.  They just gave Tom Friedman the inaugural Financial Times/ Goldman Sachs book prize last week - for a book based on…

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