238 Results for:

June 17, 2005

Emerging Markets
Oil at $58. A bit on the global savings glut too

Oil closed above $58 a barrel on Friday. That’s kind of high. Kevin Drum nicely summarizes the range of explanations that have been put forward to explain oil’s recent rise. I tend to agree with h…

November 26, 2005

Kansas is flat, the world is not …

To paraphrase the New Economist, the Financial Times must think the world is flat.  They just gave Tom Friedman the inaugural Financial Times/ Goldman Sachs book prize last week - for a book based on…

chart 1

March 7, 2006

Capital Flows
It doesn’t really matter (if the oil exporters started to stash their petrodollars in Asia)

It doesn't really matter (if the oil exporters suddenly dump their savings in Asia)I suspect Kevin Drum is right: Dubai Ports World will not, in the end, take over the US operations of P&O.    Dubai …


January 30, 2007

Financial Markets
Hey big spender (or why conservation is perhaps a bit more than just a personal virtue) ….

In the past, I have noted that oil exporters saved rather than spent the windfall from the surge in oil prices.    The IMF calculated that the average oil producer in the Middle East “spent” 30% and …


June 11, 2007

Monetary Policy
“Asia’s importance in the bond market cannot be overstated”

That quote doesn't come from me -- but from someone with a bit more authority: Jim Caron, co-head of global interest rate strategy at Morgan Stanley (quoted by Michael MacKenzie in Monday's Financial…
