153 Results for:

May 7, 2007

United States
A Manageable Risk: Assessing the Security Implications of Liquefied Natural Gas and Recommendations for the Way Forward

Written Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation of the Committee on Transportation and InfrastructureChairman Cummings, and distinguished members of the Sub…

March 27, 2007

US Trade Policy: The China Question

Let me begin by saying how honored I am to have been invited to appear before your Committee, Senator Baucus. I have long been familiar with the leadership you have provided on trade issues in the Se…

March 13, 2007

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
A Review of U.S. International Efforts to Secure Radiological Materials

Presented to the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce and the District of Columbia,Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental AffairsMr. Chairman, I a…

January 30, 2007

Finding a New Consensus on Trade and Globalization

Prepared Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign AffairsThank you, Chairman Rangel, Ranking Member McCrery, Congressman Levin and other members of the Committee.I would like to take this oppo…

January 16, 2007

Middle East and North Africa
Prepared Testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

Since 2003 Shia-Sunni conflict has emerged as a major divide in Middle East politics, and radically changed the regional context for U.S. policy. Sectarian violence is no longer just limited to Iraq,…