20 Results for:

December 10, 2010

Smarter Measures in Fight against Piracy

Somali pirates have been resilient against efforts to stop them, but a new approach that includes legal measures, controlling financial flows, building regional capacity and more could be the combina…

April 23, 2015

Japan’s Unnecessary Power Struggle: Nuclear vs. Solar

Poised to revive its nuclear industry, Japan should continue to encourage investment in solar as well, which could help meet its energy goals and set an example for the world, writes CFR’s Varun Siva…

September 10, 2009

United States
Is New York a Counterterrorism Model?

New York City has developed a sophisticated local and global counterterrorism program since the 9/11 attacks, writes CFR’s Lydia Khalil. Now the NYPD must determine from where the next terrorism thre…

August 3, 2015

Economics of Influence: China and India in South Asia

A surge in Chinese economic and diplomatic involvement in South Asia poses a serious rival for Indian influence in its neighborhood, and could finally unlock the region’s potential, write Ashlyn Ande…

February 19, 2010

Foreign Aid
HIV/AIDS in South Africa: Improved Prognosis

The global fight against HIV and AIDS cannot be won without success in South Africa, but while President Zuma’s government has made progress, it has to do more to prevent future infections and provid…