47 Results for:

April 1, 2000

Antitrust Goes Global

How will the rapid growth of trade, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and international joint ventures alter antitrust enforcement? Can national antitrust enforcement guard against anticompetiti…

April 7, 2004

Northeast Asia
East Asian Economic Regionalism

Something new is happening across East Asia. A part of the world long noted for its lack of internal economic links is discussing regional cooperation on trade, investment, and exchange rates. Why ha…

September 10, 2004

International Organizations
International Economic and Financial Cooperation

The machinery of international economic and financial cooperation is rapidly becoming obsolete. Written by a group that combines extensive practical experience and analytical sharpness, the sixth tit…

November 30, 2004

The Democracy Advantage

Read an excerpt of The Democracy Advantage. For decades, policies pursued by the United States and other industrialized nations toward the developing world have been based on a secret kept among p…

October 20, 2006

Hidden Iran

For more than a quarter of a century, few countries have been as resistant to American influence or understanding as Iran. The United States and Iran have long eyed each other with suspicion, all too…