552 Results for:

June 25, 2003

U.S. Should Provide Iraqis and Americans With a More Coherent and Compelling Vision for Iraq’s Political Future

Experts Urge President to Deliver Major Address to the Nation on Importance of Getting the Job Done Right in Post-War Iraq June 25, 2003 - With mounting costs to American lives and treasur…

June 11, 2010

United States
Government Should Encourage Investment in "Small Enough to Fail" Hedge Funds, Urges CFR’s Sebastian Mallaby in New Book

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, policymakers in the United States and around the world have focused on the problem of "too big to fail" institutions, debating remedies ranging from h…

October 24, 2002

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
A Year after 9/11, America Still Unprepared for a Terrorist Attack, Warns New Hart-Rudman Task Force on Homeland Security

Full text and executive summary: "America— Still Unprepared, Still in Danger," An Independent Task Force Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations Click here to view the original Hart-Rudm…

May 17, 2005

Task Force Urges Measures to Strengthen North American Competitiveness, Expand Trade, Ensure Border Security

May 17, 2005--North America is vulnerable on several fronts: the region faces terrorist and criminal security threats, increased economic competition from abroad, and uneven economic development at h…

October 11, 2006

United States
U.S. Energy Dependence Undercutting U.S. National Security, Council Task Force Warns

America’s dependence on imported energy increases its strategic vulnerability and constrains its ability to pursue foreign policy and national security objectives, finds a Council-sponsored Independe…