552 Results for:

April 1, 2019

News Release
Japan Is Reassessing Its Military Power as U.S.-Japan Alliance Is Tested, Writes Sheila Smith in New Book

April 1, 2019—“Tokyo’s approach to military power”—restraining its own use of force and relying on the United States for security—“is being tested,” writes Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fe…

April 11, 2016

Geoeconomic Tools Can Preserve U.S. Global Power, Write Blackwill and Harris in New Book

“Despite having the most powerful economy on earth, the United States too often reaches for the gun instead of the purse,” contend Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Senior Fellows Robert D. Blackwil…

October 23, 2003

United States
Power and Purpose: U.S. Policy Toward Russia After the Cold War

Russia, once seen as America’s greatest adversary, is now viewed by the United States as a potential partner. This book traces the evolution of American foreign policy toward the Soviet Union, and la…

March 1, 2012

Political History and Theory
No Power Will Dominate the Coming Era, Argues Charles Kupchan in New Book

"Between 1500 and 1800, the West sprinted ahead of other centers of power in Asia and the Middle East. Europe and the United States have dominated the world since," writes Charles A. Kupchan in a new…

January 20, 2012

United States
Renewing America Blog Provides Forum for Commentary on Sources of U.S. Power and Competitiveness

The Renewing America initiative has launched a new online channel aimed at broadening the debate on how best to revitalize the country’s economy.