171 Results for:

October 29, 2002

Digital Dragon

Can China become a true global economic power? That depends on the evolution of the Chinese high-technology sector. The industry's success or failure will determine whether China becomes a modern eco…

October 23, 2003

Power and Purpose

The evolution of American foreign policy toward the Soviet Union, and later Russia, is traced through the tumultuous and uncertain period following the end of the cold war. It examines how American policymakers—particularly in the executive branch—coped with the opportunities and challenges presented by the new Russia.

March 1, 2004

In Defense of Globalization

An internationally renowned economist, Jagdish Bhagwati takes conventional wisdom—that globalization is the cause of several social ills—and turns it on its head. Properly regulated, globalization, h…

April 20, 2004

Grand Strategy
Power, Terror, Peace, and War

In Power, Terror, Peace, and War, Mead—one of the most original writers on U.S. foreign policy—provides a fascinating and timely account of the Bush administration's foreign policy and its current gr…

September 10, 2004

International Organizations
International Economic and Financial Cooperation

The machinery of international economic and financial cooperation is rapidly becoming obsolete. Written by a group that combines extensive practical experience and analytical sharpness, the sixth tit…