248 Results for:

December 5, 2006

Working to privatize Social Security = working against free trade … and a bit more on the politics of agricultural trade

Privatizing (or eliminating) social security and eliminating the United States remaining barriers to trade fit together well in theory.   Both consistent with a philosophy of reducing the government'…

December 11, 2004

United States
The Global Test

My harping on the fact that US economic policy now has to pass a global test is not simply meant to score rhetorical points. I suspect that the same folks who financed the expansion of the US curren…

June 27, 2013

United States
The World Next Week: Books to Read This Summer

The World Next Week podcast is up. This week, Bob McMahon and I took a break from our regular discussion of next week’s news to kick off the summer with some reading recommendations. Bob and I beg…

(Andy Clark/Courtesy Reuters)

October 14, 2011

Fossil Fuels
Can Rick Perry Create 1.2 Million Energy Jobs?

Perry waves as he addresses a summit in Washington (Jonathan Ernst/Courtesy Reuters). The centerpiece of Rick Perry’s economic plan, released this morning, is a pledge to create 1.2 million energy j…

Can Rick Perry Create 1.2 Million Energy Jobs?

October 26, 2005

United States
What to say when the markets are listening to Stephen Jen?

The Economist's Buttonwood struggles with something I have also struggled with:Stephen "Interest rate and growth differentials, not current account deficits" Jen has basically been right on the dolla…