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November 26, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
Erdogan Has Never Been in This Much Trouble

Surrounded by rivals amid a collapsing economy, the Turkish president is facing the longest odds of his life. 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks at a lectern. There are Turkish and AKP flags behind him.

November 22, 2021

The Crisis in Sudan: What to Know

Neither the military nor pro-democracy forces are backing down after last month’s coup. The stakes are high not only for Sudan, but also for fragile democracies across Africa.

November 29, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
Why Dictators Always Pretend to Love the Law

There’s something farcical—but entirely rational—about the way authoritarians such as Egypt’s Sisi invoke legal justifications for repression.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi attends the Arab summit in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, May 31, 2019.

October 27, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
Academic Webinar: Geopolitics in the Middle East

Steven A. Cook, Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies and director of the International Affairs Fellowship for Tenured International Relations Scholars at CFR, leads a co…

Play Map of the Middle East

October 25, 2021

Sudanese Military Leaders Seize Power, Dissolve Transitional Government

Monday’s coup in Sudan represents an attempt by forces who were never interested reform or democracy to derail the country’s transition and protect their own interests at the expense of the rest of the country. While General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan claims that “the Armed Forces will continue completing the democratic transition,” his actions and those of the military leadership reveal the undeniable reality—they will forcefully resist any attempt to finish the work of the revolution, reform the security services, and establish real lines of accountability between the people and their leaders.

A large crowd of protesters stands in the street.