15 Results for:

June 6, 2022

U.S.-Cuba Relations

Since Fidel Castro’s ascent to power in 1959, U.S.-Cuba ties have endured a nuclear crisis, a long U.S. economic embargo, and political hostilities. The diplomatic relationship remained frozen well b…

May 1, 2017

Venezuela’s Chavez Era

Hugo Chávez assumed Venezuela's presidency in 1999 on a populist platform. But critics say three terms under his "socialist revolution" have made the country increasingly resemble an authoritarian st…

October 28, 2022

Greece's Debt Crisis Timeline

Since the creation of the European Union in 1992 and the subsequent launch of the euro, Greece’s economic relationship with the rest of Europe has been a turbulent one. Greece’s chronic fiscal mismanagement and resulting debt crisis has repeatedly threatened the stability of the eurozone.