85 Results for:

February 11, 2011

Mexico: Development and Democracy at a Crossroads

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, Shannon O’Neil charts the progress of Mexico’s economic and democratic reforms. She sees grounds for optimism on both fronts but concludes that Mexico risks falli…

December 18, 2012

South Korea
South Korea’s Presidential Stakes

A conservative and a progressive appear to offer South Koreans sharply different presidential options, but both are likely to pursue similar foreign policy tracks, says CFR’s Scott Snyder.

July 26, 2016

South Africa
Overcoming the Legacy of White Supremacy in South Africa

Local elections in South Africa will provide a barometer for public concerns over a stubborn problem: how to reduce stark inequalities between whites and blacks, writes CFR’s John Campbell.

February 1, 2012

How Myanmar Changed and What It Means

Myanmar’s sudden transition from repressive pariah to potential democracy should be viewed through the lens of a military alarmed by people power revolts and by the country’s increasingly shaky econo…

August 26, 2009

Elections and Voting
Japan’s Moment of Choice

Electoral politics in Japan have been upended with the defeat of the long-governing Liberal Democratic Party. CFR’s Sheila Smith says the rise of the Democratic Party of Japan could test the U.S.-Jap…