112 Results for:

June 14, 2023

World Economic Update

The World Economic Update highlights the quarter’s most important and emerging trends. Discussions cover changes in the global marketplace with special emphasis on current economic events and their i…

Play two traders on new york stock exchange

July 10, 2019

More Trouble Between Nigeria’s Shia Minority and the Police

The principal Shiite movement in Nigeria, the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), “stormed” the National Assembly in Abuja on July 7. In the resulting melee, two people may have been killed and eight injured. As is so often the case, there are few details, with claims and counter-claims.

A woman walks by police at a barricade in Abuja, Nigeria.

January 29, 2016

Podcast: China’s Coming War with Asia

Jonathan Holslag, professor of international politics at the Free University of Brussels, in his terrific new book China’s Coming War with Asia puts forth the provocative thesis that war between Chin…

Podcast Chinese army actors

April 6, 2020

At War With a Virus

Treating COVID-19 as a war of choice rather than one of necessity has proved extraordinarily costly.

COVID-19 and War

April 23, 2019

South Africa
Despite Challenges, South Africa’s ANC Likely to Remain in Power

The African National Congress (ANC) has governed South Africa since the end of apartheid and the transition to “non-racial” democracy in 1994. It has won more than 60 percent of vote in every national election since, though its share of the vote has been steadily declining. In a country fractured by race in which blacks—about 80 percent of the population—are much poorer than whites—about 9 percent—race is the largest factor in voting behavior.
