578 Results for:

December 3, 2009

Middle East and North Africa
Beyond Trade: Economic Engagement with the Middle East

Watch Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) talk about the future of trade agreements with the Middle East and how greater economic engagement can lead to strategic, political, and security benefits.


February 2, 2010

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Confronting the Debt Threat

Some of Obama’s budget proposals are sound policy, but congressional gridlock and faster economic reforms in China and Europe could jeopardize U.S. competitiveness, says Economist.com editor Ryan Ave…

November 11, 2022

United States
Was It Worth It?

Dan asks a question that everyone who has ever signed up for military service has likely asked: was it worth it? His answer is worth reading. 

Sens. Dole and Inouye

December 17, 2012

Women, War, and Peace: Lessons from the Field

Drawing on lessons learned from his distinguished diplomatic career, Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker discusses women's integral role in peacemaking and peacekeeping, with a focus on Afghanistan. This ses…


June 6, 2023

United States
Remembering the Fallen on D-Day

More than two thousand five hundred Americans died on D-Day seventy-nine years ago today.

A monument to an unknown American soldier as viewed on a shell-blasted shore of Normandy.