43 Results for:

May 21, 2024

Immigration and Migration
The Strategic Impact of the Global Movement of People: A Conversation With the Council of Councils

Foreign policy institute leaders from around the world discuss the dynamics of global migration, including the importance of international cooperation in managing both the documented and undocumented…

Play A group of Afghan children and women travel on a truck with their belongings along the Pakistan-Afghanistan Border.

June 6, 2022

Coping With Deglobalization: A Conversation With the Council of Councils

Richard Haass, Sergio M. Alcocer, and Yul Sohn assess the degree of deglobalization and the dynamics behind any trend, whether the COVID-19 pandemic significantly accelerated developments, and the im…

Play A delivery worker arrives with an order while a worker in protective gear looks on behind fencing under Covid-19 lockdown in the Xuhui district of Shanghai on June 8, 2022

July 28, 2016

Teetering at the Precipice: Brazil and the 2016 Summer Olympics

Experts discuss Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment trial, Brazil’s deepening economic recession, the Zika virus outbreak, and other issues facing Brazil as the country prepares to host the 2016 Summer Olym…

Podcast RTSIL9Z_EC.jpg

March 3, 2010

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics: Globalization and the Contours of the Recovery

The C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics is presented by the Corporate Program and the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies.


March 3, 2010

Globalization and the Contours of the Recovery

Watch Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Richard W. Fisher analyze the importance of the Federal Reserve Bank's regulatory abilities, and the importance of regulation to recovery. This meeting wa…
