72 Results for:

November 2, 2017

Energy and Climate Policy
Rebuttal: Oil Subsidies—More Material for Climate Change Than You Might Think

This post is authored by Peter Erickson, a staff scientist at the Stockholm Environment Institute and a co-author of a new paper in Nature Energy that studies how much of U.S. oil reserves are econom…

Rebuttal: Oil Subsidies—More Material for Climate Change Than You Might Think

November 6, 2006

Financial Markets
Lower vol = more imprudent bets?

That, in effect, is what some at the Bank of England think.  Mark Gilbert channels John Gieve. ``After a short pause in May and June, we have seen the return of aggressive risk-taking in financ…

December 26, 2012

United States
America’s Failing Drone War in Yemen

In February, Eric Schmitt wrote in the New York Times about the Obama administration’s emerging Yemen strategy, whereby U.S. and Yemeni intelligence and military officials would “work together to kil…

June 3, 2005

If Roach says 3.5% and Gross says 3%, someone else has to say 2.5%

Roach and Gross could not stay among the most bullish on bonds for very long. From Marc Gilbert’s column today.Gabe Borenstein, managing director of global investments at Investec Holdings Ltd. in N…

March 9, 2006

United States
Mike Mandel, Ricardo Hausmann and Federico Sturzenegger better be right (January trade data)

I sure hope that the US is exporting a lot of "intangibles" that don't show up in the trade data, and generating lots more intangible dark matter to offset all the external debt that the US is taking…
