455 Results for:

May 18, 2005

Containing China with money borrowed from China

I sometimes find grand geostrategic commentary a bit amusing, in part because there is so little overlap between geostratists and economists. I think Tom Barnett gets some aspects of the global flo…

August 5, 2005

Capital Flows
China, the US and the geopolitics of oil

The CNOOC Unocal saga is over. But CNOOC's ambitions remain: Energy market experts now expect Cnooc, which is controlled by the Beijing government, to explore opportunities throughout the Asia-Pacifi…

October 28, 2005

A new Chinese oil strategy? Buy into BP and other oil majors

I think this is potentially very good news.   It is not quite Tom Barnett's scenario - that would imply BP and Exxon buying up Chinese oil firms or building infrastructure to supply the Chinese marke…

November 26, 2005

Kansas is flat, the world is not …

To paraphrase the New Economist, the Financial Times must think the world is flat.  They just gave Tom Friedman the inaugural Financial Times/ Goldman Sachs book prize last week - for a book based on…

chart 1

February 22, 2006

Capital Flows
The (strange) politics of globalization

Maybe the US would be better off if China owned Unocal's Asian oil fields Not economically.  Unocal's oil and gas fields are presumably worth a bit more now than they were last summer.  But strategic…