14 Results for:

June 27, 2018

Is Political Change Coming to Mexico?

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will likely become Mexico’s next president at a time of mounting concern over corruption and violence, but his reform plans are hazy.

Alan Ortega/Reuters

March 10, 2017

Dutch Elections and the Future of the EU

The rise of populist Geert Wilders in the Netherlands is showcasing the pressing need for European Union reform, says expert Pieter Cleppe.

October 28, 2015

A U.S. Naval Signal in the South China Sea

A U.S. destroyer’s recent operation demonstrates how the United States is protecting its interests in the South China Sea, says Capt. Sean Liedman, CFR’s Navy fellow.

November 14, 2015

Europe and Eurasia
Countering Extremism After the Paris Attacks

The Islamic State’s attack on Paris demonstrate that both Europe and the United States need to commit to winning the ideological war against extremism with renewed vigor, says CFR’s Farah Pandith.

February 12, 2013

Vatican City
Papacy in Transition

The surprise resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has given rise to speculations that the next pontiff to lead the Catholic Church will hail from the developing world, says expert James P. McCartin.