346 Results for:

February 6, 2023

United States
Women in the 118th Congress: Halting Progress, Storm Clouds Ahead

Women made modest gains in representation in the 2022 Congressional midterms but the path for women's issues in the 118th Congress is uncertain.

women in congress

March 9, 2021

Defense and Security
The Rise of Nationalism at Home and Abroad

Panelists discuss the causes of the rise of nationalism both around the world and in the United States and whether this swell of nationalism is an aberration or the standard moving forward.

Play A Confederate flag supporter arrives at the South Carolina Statehouse on July 10, 2017 in Columbia, South Carolina. To mark the two year anniversary of the removal of the Confederate battle flag from statehouse grounds, demonstrators erected a pole and flew a replica for several hours at its former location.

December 18, 2018

Conflict Prevention
What to Worry About in 2019

Panelists discuss potential and ongoing crises that may erupt or escalate in 2019, as well as their global political implications, and explore the results of the 2019 Preventive Priorities Survey, co…

Play What to Worry About in 2019

November 4, 2014

United States
The Fall of the Berlin Wall: The Cold War’s Last Days

CFR Senior Fellow Robert D. Blackwill, Vitaly Churkin, permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, and Frank Elbe, former director of German Foreign Minister Hans-Deitri…


May 27, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Disgrace in Syria

Headlines around the world this weekend tell of a massacre in Syria: artillery killed ninety people, of whom a third were children, in one village. The Assad regime has of course denied responsibilit…