397 Results for:

March 17, 2023

United States
Revisiting America’s War of Choice in Iraq

Wars are fought not only on the battlefield but also in domestic political debates and in histories written after the fact. In the case of the US invasion of Iraq 20 years ago, we are still in this final phase, seeking an elusive consensus about the war’s legacy.

U.S. soldiers walk by a defaced poster of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in April 2003.

November 16, 2023

Argentina Election Draws Wider Attention to Embattled Economy

The country’s massive economic problems will be a vexing challenge for whoever becomes president.

People line up in front a butcher shop next to signs showing meat prices.

March 4, 2024

New Delhi’s Balancing Act In A Chaotic Middle East

India's diplomacy will be tested if the Gaza war continues indefinitely, or if relations between Israel and Arab nations further decline.

A military vehicle maneuvers near the Israel-Gaza border, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Israel, March 4, 2024.

March 22, 2024

Climate Change
How Big a Climate Threat Are Atmospheric Rivers?

Atmospheric rivers are gaining in intensity across California and the western United States. Communities need to adapt to the havoc wrought by this weather phenomenon.

A brown river threatens to overflow alongside a highway.

August 10, 2020

Climate Change
The Case for Ecological Realism

The global environmental crisis has exposed the limitations of traditional political realism. It is time to embrace ecological realism. 

A child holds a sign that says "Children need future" at a climate change protest in Thailand.

December 19, 2023

What a Democratic Russia Would Mean for the United States

When the Soviet Union collapsed more than thirty years ago, American leaders hoped that Russia would embark on a transition to free-market democracy. Shared democratic values, the thinking went, woul…

July 28, 2022

Emerging Economies
Debt Distress: Can Emerging Markets Withstand Rising Costs?

Struggling to make ends meet as inflation and interest rates climb, many emerging markets will have to pursue difficult debt restructuring with international creditors.

People block a main road as they wait for gas trucks to arrive in Colombo, Sri Lanka.