180 Results for:

December 29, 2020

2020 in Review
Ten World Figures Who Died in 2020

Ten people who passed away this year who shaped world affairs for better or worse.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen attends a memorial service for late Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui at a chapel of Aletheia University in New Taipei City, Taiwan September 19, 2020.

October 25, 2021

“The Price of Peace”: Biography of John Maynard Keynes Wins Prestigious Arthur Ross Book Award

Zachary D. Carter has won the twentieth annual Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Arthur Ross Book Award for The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and the Life of John Maynard Keynes (Penguin Random …

August 25, 2020

Niger Attack Demonstrates Islamic State in West Africa’s Growing Reach

The area between Niamey, Niger and Niger State, Nigeria will not be spared from jihadist groups’ attacks any longer and ISWA’s two branches, Shekau’s faction, and Ansaru will all be competing for recruits in the same areas.

Six Nigerian soldiers, in an armored truck, hold up a flag seized from Boko Haram. The flag is black, with a white circle in the middle with black Arabic writing.

June 26, 2018

Technology and Innovation
The Future of U.S. Data Privacy After the GDPR

Panelists discuss implications of the GDPR for U.S. businesses and the future of federal privacy regulation in the United States.

Play The Future of U.S. Data Privacy After the GDPR