14,840 Results for:

May 17, 2022

Military Operations
Robert B. McKeon Endowed Series on Military Strategy and Leadership

U.S. military service chiefs discuss defense strategy in conflict areas around the world and cooperative efforts with U.S. allies. The Robert B. McKeon Endowed Series on Military Strategy and Lead…

Play Rear of soldiers patrolling along the risky area

December 10, 2020

A Conversation With Robert Redfield

Dr. Robert Redfield discusses the CDC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Play Robert Redfield, MD, Director, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

May 10, 2024

United States
Election 2024: Where the Presidential Race Stands With Six Months to Go

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: Joe Biden and Donald Trump remain locked in a tight contest where third-party candidates could deci…

An election ballot box as viewed on a folding table.

June 19, 2019

G20 (Group of Twenty)
Will There Be a Trade Truce at the G20?

Donald J. Trump and Xi Jinping plan to hold a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan, but it’s not clear that an end to tariffs is in sight.

Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, talking in 2017

March 29, 2021

Nigeria Security Tracker Weekly Update: March 20–26

This update represents violence in Nigeria and related to Boko Haram in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger from March 20 to March 26, 2021.

Map of Nigeria shaded in red to reflect Nigeria Security Tracker-documented deaths per state. Borno state, the northeastern-most state, is dark red, while the rest of the country are shades of pink. Regions of Cameroon, Chad, and Niger that have experienced Boko Haram-related violence are also shaded.