84 Results for:

September 14, 2021

United States
More Resources Worth Exploring About 9/11

With the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 this past Saturday, we share resources that readers flagged for us or that we otherwise missed about that day and its consequences


April 7, 2016

Why Solar Will Need to Cost 25¢ Per Watt by 2050, And How the Industry Might Get There

This post is co-written with Shayle Kann, senior vice president of research at Greentech Media. For solar power to become truly mainstream, how much should it cost? And is the industry on track to…

An operator inspects equipment used to fabricate the most efficient solar cells in the world, jointly developed by SolarJunction and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Daniel Derkacs/SolarJunction).

January 8, 2021

Transition 2021
Transition 2021: A Divisive and Damaging Presidency Nears Its End

Each Friday, I look at what is happening in President-Elect Joe Biden’s transition to the White House. This week: The mob that stormed the Capitol Building this week highlighted how Donald Trump’s pr…

Pro-Trump protestors line the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building waving flags and hanging Trump 2020 banners.

February 15, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
New From CFR: Ban Ki-moon’s Views and the G-20’s Role

http://youtu.be/Z70vYcfDokY This week CFR hosted two events on issues relevant to the global development landscape. On Monday, UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon delivered the Sorensen Distinguished L…

December 29, 2021

2021 in Review
Ten World Figures Who Died in 2021

Ten people who passed away this year who shaped world affairs for better or worse.

Desmond Tutu smiles and waves while wearing a red clerical tunic and collar.