474 Results for:

March 1, 2013

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Shifting Tactics in Talks With Tehran

World powers are now offering to ease sanctions on Iran if it agrees to halt its most sensitive nuclear activity. Expert Daryl Kimball urges a full diplomatic press to stop Iran from crossing the nuc…

July 10, 2009

United States
Obama’s Summits: Gradual Steps With Russia, Climate Change

CFR’s Charles A. Kupchan says President Obama’s summit meetings have advanced relations with Russia and consensus with industrialized states on climate change but that difficult work is ahead on both…

July 23, 2014

What MH17 Means for Russia

The focus of the EU and U.S. response should go beyond the passenger jet downing and address broader concerns about Russia’s policies toward Ukraine, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.

July 31, 2013

Can Iran’s Rowhani Bring Change?

A clear sign of a new Iranian nuclear posture will be if incoming president Hassan Rowhani pursues bilateral talks with the United States, says former top U.S. arms official Gary Samore.

November 25, 2013

Iran Deal: Good Start on Long Road

The interim Iran nuclear agreement buys some crucial time for deeper talks but significant divisions remain over the future scale of the country’s program, says expert David Albright.