725 Results for:

August 9, 2017

News Release
Experts in Energy and Climate Change, Russia, and Gender and Human Rights Join CFR

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) welcomes three fellows, Amy Myers Jaffe, James Goldgeier, and Caroline Bettinger-López, to its David Rockefeller Studies Program. “The diverse knowledge areas…

June 11, 2008

Climate Change
CFR Task Force Calls for Overhaul of U.S. Climate Change Strategy

Against the backdrop of increasing attention to energy and climate change in the presidential campaigns, the recent failure of the Senate to advance the Lieberman-Warner climate bill, and preparation…

January 9, 2018

Vietnam War
In New Book, Max Boot Argues One CIA Operative Could Have Changed the Course of the Vietnam War

January 9, 2018—The Vietnam War “might have taken a very different course—one that was less costly and potentially more successful—if the counsel of this CIA operative and Air Force officer had b…

May 21, 2007

Militaries in the Middle East: Critical Factor in Hindering Political Change, Argues Steven Cook in New Book

Ruling But Not Governing provides valuable insight into the political dynamics that perpetuate authoritarian regimes and offers novel ways to promote democratic change. In this new CFR book, author a…

January 7, 2003

CFR Cuba Task Force Urges Significant Changes in U.S. Policy

November 29, 2000, Washington, D.C.– In a significant departure from legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by the president last month, a high-level task force of conservatives and liber…