978 Results for:

November 11, 2011

Strengthening Economic Ties with Asia

A multilateral free trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, dominated President Obama’s agenda at the APEC summit in Hawaii. This is part of a U.S. effort to increase economic cooperation with Asi…

March 1, 2010

Security Alliances
NATO at 61: Bear Trouble, and More

NATO members preparing for a new "strategic concept" to be issued at the November summit will have to both hash out serious differences about how NATO forces should be deployed and determine how best…

September 17, 2010

International Organizations
Crisis of Relevance at the UN

The UN’s sixty-fifth General Assembly opens this week amid rumblings about the UN’s relevance. But CFR’s Stewart Patrick says that while there are many international venues for multilateral cooperati…

July 2, 2013

The Role of Religion in Postconflict Syria

Interreligious cooperation is central to facilitating transitional justice and reconciliation in Syria, says expert Daniel Philpott.

September 6, 2007

Wars and Conflict
Meese Says With Iraqis’ Help, Security Is Improving

Col. Michael J. Meese, a member of Gen. David Petraeus’ team assessing progress in Iraq in advance of the general’s report to Congress next week, says violence in Iraq is down due to cooperation betw…