319 Results for:

November 16, 2010

United States
U.S. Nukes in Europe Unnecessary

As NATO prepares for this weekend’s summit, the U.S. should consider removing its nuclear weapons from Europe, as its tactical nuclear umbrella over NATO is no longer vital to European security. R…

March 27, 2009

Transatlantic Allies Need to Overcome Grumbling

President Obama’s first major overseas summits are shadowed by disputes with European allies over stimulus plans and commitment to the Afghan war. He should seize the opportunity to appeal for a stro…

September 22, 2016

United States
How to Watch the Presidential Debates

As the presidential debate season opens, expect plenty of contrasts between how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump view U.S. interactions in the world, writes CFR’s Elizabeth Saunders.

September 7, 2010

Climate Change
The Coming Conflicts of Climate Change

Pakistan’s floods could presage a series of troubling natural disasters of direct concern to U.S. national security interests. Planning for them now is essential, writes CFR’s Michael L. Baker.

August 30, 2010

Avoiding a Tempest in the South China Sea

New tensions in the South China Sea are a growing test to China’s relations with the United States and China’s Southeast Asian neighbors, writes CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick.