462 Results for:

March 1, 2022

Europe and Eurasia
Europe’s Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, With Matthias Matthijs

Matthias Matthijs, senior fellow for Europe at CFR and associate professor of international political economy at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, sits down with Ja…

Podcast Fans display the Ukraine flag inside the stadium before the match in Italy.

May 10, 2022

Middle East and North Africa
The Middle East’s Reaction to the Invasion of Ukraine, With Steven A. Cook

Steven A. Cook, CFR’s Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies and director of the International Affairs Fellowship for Tenured International Relations Scholars, sits down w…

Podcast A girl holds a sign as she attends a rally in support of Ukraine, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, at Safra Square in Jerusalem, February 28, 2022.

October 5, 2023

Russia Tests New Missile and Seeks to Rejoin UN Human Rights Council, ICJ Takes On Syria, and More

Recent satellite imagery indicates that Russia is preparing to test a new nuclear-powered missile; the UN Human Rights Council votes on new members, with Russia vying to rejoin after its April 2022 s…

Podcast The empty seat for the representative of Russia during the Human Rights Council special session on Ukraine in Geneva, Switzerland on May 12, 2022.

March 13, 2024

Center for Preventive Action
2024: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

Every January, CFR’s annual Preventive Priorities Survey analyzes the conflicts most likely to occur in the year ahead and measures their potential impact. For the first time, the survey anticipates …

Podcast January 6th protesters clad with shields and American flags march on Washington.

September 1, 2022

IAEA Visits Ukrainian Nuclear Plant, UK Selects New Prime Minister, Chileans Vote on Constitution, and More

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visits the recently shelled Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Russia-occupied Ukraine; the United Kingdom’s Conservative Party chooses the country’s ne…

Podcast Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant Ukraine

February 24, 2022

Wars and Conflict
TWNW Special: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Russia launches an invasion of Ukraine with wide-ranging consequences for international order.

Podcast Ukrainian citizens carry suitcases as they exit a train arriving from Odessa via Lviv at Przemysl main train station on February 24, 2022 in Przemysl, Poland.