54 Results for:

November 26, 2007

Climate Change
Climate Change and National Security

Overview Climate change presents a serious threat to the security and prosperity of the United States and other countries. Recent actions and statements by members of Congress, members of the U…

May 31, 2004

Sub-Saharan Africa
Freedom, Prosperity, and Security

Overview Africa, mired in poverty, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and armed conflict, has rightfully occupied a prominent place in the G8’s agenda over the past several years. This report, written in a…

October 8, 2009

Conflict Prevention
Enhancing U.S. Preventive Action

Overview Few would dispute that preventing conflict, instability, and humanitarian disaster is preferable to confronting these problems after they arise. Preventive measures are generally less exp…

June 2, 2011

International Law
Justice Beyond The Hague

Overview When the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was established more than twenty years ago, the international community had little experience prosecuting the per…

November 19, 2018

Zero Botnets

Botnets—groups of computers infected with malicious software often used for crime—cost the economy billions of dollars each year. Technology makers, ISPs, cybersecurity companies, and law enforcement need to work together across the globe to fight botnets.