290 Results for:

October 2, 2018

Nigerian and U.S. Flooding Similar, Linked to Climate Change

Nigerians fear that flooding in October 2018 could be as bad as or worse than it was in 2012, when two million Nigerians were displaced and 363 died. In 2015, floods displaced 100,000 and led to 53 deaths. In 2016, 92,000 were displaced 38 died. In 2017, floods affected 250,000. 


November 11, 2011

Sub-Saharan Africa
Malema Suspended From ANC

Derek Hanekom (C), head of the ANC disciplinary panel, announces the verdict for Youth League leader Julius Malema at the party's head quarters in Johannesburg, November 10, 2011. (Siphewe Sibeko/Cou…

Malema Suspended From ANC

September 5, 2017

Israeli Foreign Aid to American Jews

It was bound to happen, sooner or later. With the rapid increase over the years in Israel's GDP and in its population, Israel is no longer a poor country that needs the philanthropy of American Je…

May 14, 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa
The 2014 South African Election: Another ANC Landslide

This is a guest post by Derek Charles Catsam, associate professor of History and the Kathlyn Cosper Dunagan fellow in the Humanities at the University of Texas of the Perman Basin. Derek was senior e…


November 30, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
A Reminder that South Africa’s Ruling Party is Multiracial

Minister of Tourism Derek Hanekom appears to have been the initiator of the African National Congress’s (ANC) November 27-29 in-house debate over whether to recall Jacob Zuma as party leader. (Zuma s…
