33 Results for:

August 21, 2024

How the Taliban’s Rule Is Fueling the Movement to End Gender Apartheid

The Taliban’s outright denial of women’s rights in Afghanistan has spurred a global push to combat gender-based oppression.

August 1, 2024

Australia’s Growing Defense and Security Role in the Indo-Pacific

Australia’s first comprehensive national defense strategy comes as Chinese coercion around Taiwan and in the South China Sea sparks heightened concerns about Beijing’s intentions and ambitions in the…

February 22, 2022

Russia’s Energy Role in Europe: What’s at Stake With the Ukraine Crisis

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has brought European dependence on Russian energy into sharp relief and set off a scramble for alternatives.

June 18, 2019

The Strait of Hormuz: A U.S.-Iran Maritime Flash Point

The narrow and congested Mideast waterway has become a site of escalating U.S.-Iran tensions. Conflict in the wake of tanker attacks there could jolt global oil supplies.

Iranian sailors pass oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz

April 25, 2019

What Effects Will Tighter U.S. Sanctions on Iran’s Oil Have?

With significant risks now looming over global energy markets, the United States should be careful not to go too far with oil sanctions.  

Iran Oil

December 22, 2022

Lula Is Back. What Does That Mean for Brazil?

President-Elect Lula will soon take office in Brazil, more than a decade after his second term ended. What’s in store for this third Lula administration?