185 Results for:

May 26, 2022

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Ukraine, Humanitarian Parole, and Refugee Resettlement

Kelly A. Gauger, deputy director in the Office of Refugee Admissions at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and Kit Taintor, vice president of policy and pract…

Play Image

June 26, 2023

Latin America
Addressing the Root Causes of Migration in the Western Hemisphere

Panelists discuss the social, economic, and political factors that contribute to the mass migration of people from Central and South America toward the United States and Mexico and potential U.S. pol…

Play Asylum seeker at U.S. southern border carries young girl on his shoulders

March 1, 2022

Refugee Resettlement and Faith Communities

Kelly A. Gauger, deputy director of refugee admissions at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, and Rick Santos, president and CEO of Church World Service, dis…

Play Refugee

April 20, 2018

Political Disruptions: Combating Disinformation and Fake News

As the final session of the 2018 College and University Educators Workshop, Kelly M. Greenhill, Joan Donovan, and Benjamin T. Decker assess the challenges of disinformation and media literacy, and it…

Play Disinformation and media literacy

February 14, 2012

United States
The U.S. Aging Population as an Economic Growth Driver for Global Competitiveness

Joseph Coughlin and Kelly Michel discuss how a healthy and active aging population can contribute to economic growth, and the public policy reform, new business strategies, and profound shifts in vie…
