175 Results for:

July 26, 2005

Law in Political Transitions: Lessons from East Asia and the Road Ahead for China

Room 419 of the Dirksen Senate Office BuildingWritten Statement of Jerome A. CohenCHINA’S LEGAL SYSTEM IN TRANSITIONSenator Hagel and other distinguished members of the Commission and staff: I am ple…

September 16, 1998

Testimony by Adam Schwarz Before the Asia and Pacific Subcommittee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for inviting me to speak today at the hearing on current developments in Indonesia. I am the Edward R. Murrow Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, specializing in Sou…

September 27, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Testimony of Elliott Abrams Before HFAC MENA Subcommittee

  Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, Thank you for inviting me here today. As you know, there has been a serious rise in terrorist attacks this year in the West Bank. Why has …

Elliott Abrams Testifies Before HFAC

August 21, 2023

China’s Current Economy: Implications for Investors and Supply Chains

  Chair Cleveland, Chair Glas, and members of the Commission, thank you for inviting me to testify before the Commission. I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today to testify abo…

Zoe Liu 8.21 Testimony

February 14, 2024

Nagging Constraints to Democratic Stability and Economic Prosperity in Nigeria

Nagging Constraints to Democratic Stability and Economic Prosperity in Nigeria  Prepared statement by Ebenezer Obadare Douglas Dillon Senior Fellow for Africa Studies  Council on Foreign Re…

Ebenezer Obadare testifying on "The Future of Freedom in Nigeria" at a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa meeting held on February 14, 2024.

July 18, 2023

Changing Geopolitics in the Arctic

Changing Geopolitics in the Arctic Prepared statement by Esther D. Brimmer James H. Binger Senior Fellow in Global Governance Council on Foreign Relations   Before the Subc…

Esther D. Brimmer testifying on "Changing Politics in the Arctic" at a congressional hearing held by the U.S. House Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security on Strategic Competition in the Arctic on July 18, 2023.

March 31, 2016

Objectives and Future Direction for Rebalance Economic Policies

  (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) In testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Elizabeth Economy discussed the economic components of the “rebalance to Asia” and its prospec…

February 15, 2018

Rising to the China Challenge

In testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Armed Services, Ely Ratner assessed the emerging strategic competition between the United States and China. He argued that it is vital for the United S…

U.S. President Donald Trump and China's Xi Jinping meet business leaders at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China. November 9, 2017.