122 Results for:

July 7, 2022

7/7 CFR Virtual Press Briefing: Previewing Biden's Trip to the Middle East

ROBBINS: Thanks so much. Hi. I’m Carla Robbins. I’m a senior fellow here at the Council, and I also run a master’s program at the City University of New York and I am a fallen journalist. Anyway, …

Play President Joe Biden gives remarks following a meeting with the Israeli President

January 27, 2023

David A. Morse Lecture With IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol

Dr. Fatih Birol has served as executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) since 2015. He has led the agency in a comprehensive modernization program, making it the global hub for clea…

Play Fatih Birol touches chin at event

June 27, 2023

CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: Sovereign Funds: How the Communist Party of China Finances Its Global Ambitions by Zongyuan Zoe Liu

One of the keys to China’s global rise has been its strategy of deploying sovereign wealth on behalf of state power. Since President Xi Jinping took office in 2013, China has doubled down on financia…

Play Tanzanian women holding red Chinese flags at Dar es Salaam.

December 8, 2022

United States
Renewing America Series: What to Expect From the Lame-Duck Congress

Our panelists discuss the current lame-duck session of Congress, including debates over the spending and the debt ceiling, additional funds for Ukraine, and reforms to the Electoral Count Act, among …

Play House chamber

November 7, 2022

United States
Leslie H. Gelb Memorial Event: Common Sense and Strategy in Foreign Policy

This special event is being held to honor the memory of Leslie H. Gelb, CFR’s president from 1993 to 2003 and a dedicated member for forty-six years, who died on August 31, 2019. Gelb modernized the …

Play Leslie H. Gelb Memorial Event: Common Sense and Strategy in Foreign Policy