87 Results for:

July 29, 2015

Greece's Euro Future and U.S. Policy

In his testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations' Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, Robert Kahn argues that although Greece's direct trade and financial links…

May 11, 2023

Cross-border Rx: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and U.S. International Tax Policy

  I want to thank Chairman Wyden, Ranking Member Crapo, and the distinguished members of this committee for the opportunity to testify today. Tax avoidance by American pharmaceutical compan…

Brad Setser Testifying

July 21, 2005

China's Rising Role in Africa

Presentation to the US-China Commission July 21, 2005 By Princeton Lyman, Director of Africa Policy Studies, Council on Foreign Relations China has had a long involvement with Africa, going back to…

March 27, 2007

US Trade Policy: The China Question

Let me begin by saying how honored I am to have been invited to appear before your Committee, Senator Baucus. I have long been familiar with the leadership you have provided on trade issues in the Se…

February 5, 2020

More Cures for More Patients: Overcoming Pharmaceutical Barriers

Mr. Setser's testimony focuses on three points: 1. America currently has a large and growing trade deficit in pharmaceutical products. 2. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created new incentives for th…