78 Results for:

January 17, 2012

Sub-Saharan Africa
Congo-Kinshasa: Legislative Election Results Postponed Again

Despite the press focus on the credibility of Congo’s presidential elections, legislative elections also took place in November on the same day. While presidential elections were widely seen as fraud…

Incumbent Congolese President Joseph Kabila receives his ballot at a polling station in Democratic Republic of Congo's capital Kinshasa, November 28, 2011.

January 5, 2012

Elections and Voting
An Earlier Congo Election

Supporters of opposition UDPS leader Etienne Tshisekedi gather in Democratic Republic of Congo's capital Kinshasa, December 23, 2011. (Stringer/Courtesy Reuters) This is a guest post by University o…

An Earlier Congo Election

July 2, 2020

Belgium Begins to Confront Its Brutal Colonial Past in Congo

Following anti-racism protests in Belgium, King Philippe, in a letter to Felix Tshisekedi, president of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), expressed his "regret" over his country’s exploitation of DRC.

Belgian King Philippe sits at a dark wooden table in a black suit, black tie, and white shirt. His hands are folded and his face is somber, with his silver-white hair combed down. To the left is a Belgian flag on a vertical flag pole; to the right are two family framed pictures sitting on a low bookcase.

December 29, 2011

Guest Post: Kate Collins on Five Hot Spots to Watch in Africa in 2012

Children show burnt election ballots outside a polling station in Kinshasa on November 29, 2011. (Emmanuel Braun/courtesy Reuters) In recent months, the news out of sub-Saharan Africa has often been…

Children show burnt election ballots outside a polling station at Matete district in Kinshasa November 29, 2011. The African Union urged candidates in Democratic Republic of Congo’s elections on Wednesday to accept the outcome of this week’s polls, saying they were well managed despite technical problems and violence. REUTERS/Emmanuel Braun

November 8, 2022

Democratic Republic of Congo
Dangerous Trends in Eastern Congo

The resurgence of the M23 rebel group in Eastern Congo increases suffering for civilians and heightens international tensions.    

In Goma, North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a man holds a sign with red "Xs" over the faces of the Presidents of Rwanda and Uganda, at a protest in support of FARDC.