44 Results for:

April 29, 2024

United States
What Is the CHIPS Act?

Extraordinary U.S. government incentives are proving popular with many large chipmakers, but it is too early to tell how much of the semiconductor industry can be lured back to the United States. …

May 31, 2024

How Myanmar Became a Global Center for Cyber Scams

Organized crime groups in Southeast Asia have seized on Myanmar’s instability amid civil war to establish a string of scam centers engaged in global online fraud operations.

September 9, 2022

United Kingdom
What Will King Charles III Mean for the British Monarchy Overseas?

The succession from Queen Elizabeth II to Charles could accelerate anti-monarchy movements in countries where the Crown is still head of state.

September 27, 2023

What Ukraine Needs to Win the War Against Russia

If Western allies fail to send Ukraine the weapons it needs, the odds increase of the war dragging on indefinitely, at a terrible cost to both Ukraine and Russia and a growing risk to the wider world…

March 25, 2022

United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II Is the Monarch of Fifteen Countries. What Does That Mean?

Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of fourteen countries in addition to the United Kingdom. Barbados’s transition to a republic has revived debate over the future of the Crown.

December 15, 2023

Why Pakistan Is Deporting Afghan Migrants

Pakistan’s decision to deport undocumented migrants over perceived security risks is poised to affect almost two million Afghans. 

March 11, 2021

South Korea
Will the New U.S.-South Korea Deal Boost East Asian Security?

With fresh agreement on sharing costs for the nearly thirty thousand U.S. troops in South Korea, the Biden administration can now focus on bolstering the alliance and addressing challenges posed by C…