510 Results for:

June 30, 2014

Bretton Woods Lessons

The 1944 Bretton Woods conference ensured a leading role for Washington in the global financial system but also contributed to present-day problems that will be difficult to fix, says CFR’s Benn Stei…

January 3, 2007

Heads of State and Government
Dallek: Historians Will Regard Ford as ‘Distinctly Minor President’

Robert Dallek, a prominent historian on the American presidency, says that historians will remember President Gerald R. Ford as “a distinctly minor figure,” in part because he was in office for such …

December 7, 2007

United States
McCain: Americans Divided, Dissatisfied over U.S. Foreign Policy

A leading Republican candidate for president, Sen. John McCain, tells CFR.org the country needs to unite over issues ranging from Iraq to immigration.

August 29, 2017

United States
Why Battles Over Memory Rage On

Protests over the removal of Confederate monuments show that the U.S. Civil War’s emancipatory purpose remains contested a century and a half later.

A Louisville, Kentucky, monument to a Confederate officer vandalized in August.

February 13, 2014

Why Franco-American Ties Matter

President Hollande’s state visit was an attempted boost for the United States’ lead EU security partner and a sign of a more activist foreign policy in the White House, says CFR’s Charles Kupchan.