47 Results for:

June 24, 2010

International Organizations
G8, G20: Questions for Global Health

The G20 meetings in Toronto will be marked by competing agendas on global growth and strengthening global financial supervision. This Backgrounder looks at the chief policy concerns of each.

December 18, 2017

United States
Trump Security Strategy a Study in Contrasts

The president’s first national security strategy eloquently sums up the U.S. role in the world and what should be done to defend it, but much of the document is at odds with what the president himsel…

Trump introduces his administration's first national security strategy.

November 24, 2015

Five Things to Watch at Paris Climate Summit

The Paris talks have been built up as a critical moment for confronting climate change, making even the perception of success important for momentum on lowering carbon emissions, writes CFR’s Michael…

April 13, 2011

How to Reshape Post-Crisis Japan

Japan’s ability to rebound from its triple disaster in March will require more than just rebuilding; it will demand restructuring in areas from energy and farm policy to decentralization of power, wr…

March 27, 2009

Transatlantic Allies Need to Overcome Grumbling

President Obama’s first major overseas summits are shadowed by disputes with European allies over stimulus plans and commitment to the Afghan war. He should seize the opportunity to appeal for a stro…