94 Results for:

March 31, 2023

Sub-Saharan Africa
The Era of Good Feelings

Since the conclusion of the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit last December, the traffic from Washington to various African capitals has been unmistakably busy. Vice-President Kamala Harris, currently rounding up a nine-day trip to Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia, is the latest and, so far, most senior American official to jet into the region with a diplomatic pouch weighed down by goodwill, kisses, and felicitations.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris shakes the hand of Tanzanian Vice President Philip Mpango in front of a large black vehicle.

January 24, 2023

Gender Freeze

For Nigerian women, gender equality remains a bridge too far as increased social influence fails to translate into political power.

A woman wearing a "Restructure Women to the Structure" shirt protests alongside other women in Nigeria. She also wears a chain necklace around her neck.

September 30, 2016

Weekend Reading: Shimon Peres, Egypt’s Ultras, and the Kurds of Iran

Reading selections for the weekend of September 30, 2016.


June 16, 2021

As Policymakers Raise Alarm about Tigray Crisis, More Action is Needed

As the horrific suffering in Ethiopia’s Tigray region continues, the United States and other members of the international community are sounding ever more urgent alarms. 

An Ethiopian refugee stands as she is registered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at the Um Rakuba refugee camp which houses Ethiopian refugees fleeing the fighting in the Tigray region, on the Sudan-Ethiopia border, Sudan, November 28, 2020.