617 Results for:

February 22, 2019

Saudi Arabia
What to Do About Saudi Arabia

In the wake of recent geopolitical and economic upheavals in Saudi Arabia, please join our panelists as they discuss how U.S.-Saudi relations should move forward, as well as what Saudi Arabia's futur…

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February 23, 2016

Saudi Arabia
Assessing Saudi Arabia's Future

Experts discuss Saudi Arabia's escalating tensions with Iran, as well as its relations with its regional neighbors and the United States.

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July 7, 2022

7/7 CFR Virtual Press Briefing: Previewing Biden's Trip to the Middle East

ROBBINS: Thanks so much. Hi. I’m Carla Robbins. I’m a senior fellow here at the Council, and I also run a master’s program at the City University of New York and I am a fallen journalist. Anyway, …

Play President Joe Biden gives remarks following a meeting with the Israeli President

November 16, 2015

The United Nations and Global Human Rights

Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein shares his reflections on the status of human rights across the world.

Play RTR4AE59_EC.jpg

February 6, 2019

Iran’s Imperial Foreign Policy

Panelists analyze Iran's foreign policy strategy, including their regional ambitions and interventions in Syria and Yemen, and offer recommendations on ways the United States should proceed after wit…

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