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May 26, 2015

Technology and Innovation
The World Needs Post-Silicon Solar Technologies

In his 2007 keynote address to the Materials Research Society, Caltech Professor Nate Lewis surveyed global energy consumption and concluded that out of all the renewable options, only solar power co…

Perovskite Cell

June 8, 2010

Fossil Fuels
Solar and Oil are Two Different Things

Bill McKibben has an op-ed on the oil spill and climate politics in the LA Times. It’s got a mix of good stuff and crazy stuff in it. But one line in particular irritated me: “Had [Obama] chosen to,…

May 25, 2012

Morning Brief: China Responds to U.S. Solar Tariffs

China responded to the recently imposed 31 percent U.S anti-dumping tariffs on imports of Chinese solar panels with investigations into U.S. clean energy projects (WSJ). China’s Commerce Ministry all…

A worker cleans solar panels on a rooftop in Zhejiang Province, China (Stringer/Courtesy Reuters).

January 14, 2016

Climate Change
Solar Power’s Paradoxical 2015 in Three Charts

This post is co-written with Sagatom Saha, research associate for energy and foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. In his final State of the Union address, President Obama celebrated t…


June 18, 2015

Technology and Innovation
To Succeed, Solar Perovskites Need to Escape the Ivory Tower

What will tomorrow’s solar panels look like? This week, along with colleagues from Oxford and MIT, I published a feature in Scientific American making the case for cheap and colorful solar coatings d…

Solar perovskite cells, patterned with gold electrodes, await tests that measure their efficiency at converting sunlight into electricity