262 Results for:

July 23, 2014

What MH17 Means for Russia

The focus of the EU and U.S. response should go beyond the passenger jet downing and address broader concerns about Russia’s policies toward Ukraine, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.

June 20, 2012

Economic Crises
Did the G20 Help the Eurozone?

G20 members meeting in Mexico won a commitment on banking sector integration despite limited influence on eurozone politics, says expert Jacob Funk Kirkegaard.

May 25, 2011

Indonesian President: ’Reforms are Painful’

Indonesia’s President Yudhoyono discusses the stresses and challenges of pursuing a path of democratization and reform, and Indonesia’s desire to play a larger role in the region and the world.

February 4, 2011

Food and Water Security
Food Prices and Global Instability

With food prices at historic levels, unrest is mounting around the world, particularly in import-dependent regions such as the Middle East. CFR’s Laurie Garrett says to meet demand going forward, cou…

February 5, 2007

Aronson: Secret Syrian-Israeli Talks Produced Unofficial Agreement

Geoffrey Aronson, who participated in two years of intermittent talks between unofficial Israeli and Syrian representatives, said contacts continue even though they have not sat down together since l…