460 Results for:

August 24, 2022

United States
How Does U.S. Voter Turnout Compare to the Rest of the World’s?

The debate over how to address persistently low voter turnout is heating up ahead of the midterm elections.

May 8, 2020

Trash Trade Wars: Southeast Asia’s Problem With the World’s Waste

China’s decision to ban most trash imports has left waste-exporting countries in the lurch and Southeast Asian landfills overflowing.

April 6, 2020

Can the World Alleviate Idlib’s Humanitarian Disaster Amid a Pandemic?

At the outset of 2020, the conflict in Idlib province was emerging as the worst humanitarian crisis of Syria’s nine-year war. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has made relief efforts even more difficult…

April 29, 2024

United States
What Is the CHIPS Act?

Extraordinary U.S. government incentives are proving popular with many large chipmakers, but it is too early to tell how much of the semiconductor industry can be lured back to the United States. …

February 2, 2024

West Africa
ECOWAS Split Spells Trouble for Democracy in West Africa

Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have left the most important West African regional bloc due to escalating tensions over their democratic decline, leaving room for Russia to assert itself in the region…

May 31, 2024

How Myanmar Became a Global Center for Cyber Scams

Organized crime groups in Southeast Asia have seized on Myanmar’s instability amid civil war to establish a string of scam centers engaged in global online fraud operations.

May 21, 2024

United States
Why Biden Wants to Block the Nippon-U.S. Steel Deal

A proposed Japanese takeover of U.S. Steel is facing domestic political pushback that could challenge Biden administration foreign policy aims.  

September 27, 2023

What Ukraine Needs to Win the War Against Russia

If Western allies fail to send Ukraine the weapons it needs, the odds increase of the war dragging on indefinitely, at a terrible cost to both Ukraine and Russia and a growing risk to the wider world…