43 Results for:

May 31, 2024

U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts

Israel has long been the leading recipient of U.S. foreign aid, including military support. That aid has come under heightened scrutiny amid Israel’s monthslong war to eliminate Hamas.

U.S. and Israeli army officers talk in front a Patriot missile defense system.

October 28, 2019

Syrian Women Helped Find Baghdadi, Beat ISIS, Will Face ‘Tough Time’ Ahead, Leader Says

'We will continue our resistance and our struggle,' says the head of the all-women’s YPJ, in a rare interview.

June 28, 2018

Middle East and North Africa
Jared Kushner’s Middle East Fantasy

In an interview with a Palestinian newspaper, the president’s son-in-law has revealed himself to be either strikingly naive or deeply cynical.

May 25, 2023

United States
Kissinger at One Hundred: The CFR Connection

Henry Kissinger, marking his one hundredth birthday, and the Council on Foreign Relations have had a long and substantive affiliation, one that spans the career of the preeminent scholar-practitioner…

Henry Kissinger addresses the audience at the 2013 CFR Corporate Conference.

September 10, 2019

Election 2020
The 2020 Presidential Candidates: In Their Own Words

The Democratic and Republican presidential contenders have begun defining their approach to major foreign policy issues as they jockey for position in their parties’ primaries.

The Presidential Seal