535 Results for:

September 26, 2023

A Conversation With External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar of India

External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar of India discusses India-U.S. relations, India’s G-20 presidency, and diplomacy in the current era of rapid technological evolution.

Play Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar attends a news conference.

November 7, 2023

Central Africa
CFR Book Launch Series: "The Lumumba Plot" by Stuart Reid

Foreign Affairs Executive Editor Stuart Reid discusses his new book, The Lumumba Plot, which follows the dramatic history of the Congo in 1960 on the edge of its independence from Belgium, the ensuin…

Play Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo from June to September of 1960.

December 7, 2021

Arthur Ross Book Award: “The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and the Life of John Maynard Keynes”

Gideon Rose celebrates the winners of this year’s Arthur Ross Book Award: Zachary D. Carter, Peter Baker and Susan B. Glasser, and Robert D. Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett.

Play British economist John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946) in his study in London

October 24, 2023

World Economic Update

The World Economic Update highlights the quarter’s most important and emerging trends. Discussions cover changes in the global marketplace with special emphasis on current economic events and their i…

Play Traders work on the floor during the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City.

November 17, 2010

Monetary Policy
Currency Wars, Capital Controls, and the Outlook for the International Monetary System

Experts discuss the the current global economy and their skepticism of effective capital control, as well as the future of currency pegging, fixed currency rates, and capital mobility. This session …


October 6, 2020

Currency Reserves
The Future of the U.S. Dollar

Panelists discuss the post-COVID-19 role of the U.S. dollar, options for alternative currencies, and the impact of U.S. economic and foreign policy on both.

Play United States one dollar bills are curled and inspected during production at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington.