14 Results for:

February 27, 2024

Combating Global Poverty, With Kate Schecter

Kate Schecter, president and CEO of World Neighbors, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss progress and setbacks in promoting economic development in some of the world’s poorest countries.

Podcast Bangladeshi women count money for repayment to a microcredit bank at Dowtia village near Dhaka on January 20, 2004.

January 31, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa
Ending the South Sudan Civil War: A Conversation with Kate Almquist Knopf

Kate Almquist Knopf, director of the Africa Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, is the author of a recent Center for Preventive Action report on Ending South Sudan’s Civi…

Podcast South Sudan CSR

April 10, 2024

Genocide and Mass Atrocities
Remembering the Rwandan Genocide

Thirty years ago, Rwanda’s government began a campaign to eradicate the country’s largest minority group. In just one hundred days in 1994, roving militias killed around eight hundred thousand people…

Podcast Woman carrying her child reads the names of Rwandan genocide victims.

April 27, 2022

Update on Ukraine, With Richard Haass

In this special episode, Why It Matters follows up with CFR President Richard Haass to hear his insights on the war in Ukraine.

Podcast A view shows a theatre building destroyed in the course of Ukraine-Russia conflict in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine

June 23, 2021

Technology and Innovation
When the Microchips Are Down

Silicon chips are in almost all electronics, and access to them can make or break a country’s economic future. Their production relies on complex supply chains, and during the pandemic, the world lea…

Podcast A worker in the photolithography section on a semiconductor plant of the Mikron Group in Zelenograd, Moscow

October 23, 2019

United States
The Big Red Button

A U.S. president can launch a first-strike nuclear attack at any time and, according to the law, does not need to seek advice first. Some experts think that’s too much power to put in one person’s ha…

Podcast Ballistic missile being launched from the ocean.