14 Results for:

October 20, 2020

Wars and Conflict
War, Culture, and Society, With Margaret MacMillan

Margaret MacMillan, professor of history at the University of Toronto, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss how war has shaped culture and society throughout history. MacMillan’s new book, War:…

Podcast Vietnam

December 16, 2021

Political History and Theory
How Can We Use (but Not Abuse) History?

Richard Haass and Margaret MacMillan, one of the world’s foremost historians, discuss how best to apply history to better understand current global challenges, including the erosion of democracy, the…

Podcast World Globe

April 11, 2013

The World Next Week: April 11, 2013

A preview of world events in the coming week from CFR.org: Britain honors the late Margaret Thatcher; Venezuelans select the successor to Hugo Chavez; and the World Bank and IMF spring meetings begin…


February 17, 2022

Wars and Conflict
Munich Security Conference, Remembering Nixon’s China Trip, and More

The Munich Security Conference is the stage for crisis diplomacy amid high tensions on the Russia-Ukraine border, the world marks the fiftieth anniversary of former U.S. President Richard Nixon’s his…

Podcast Richard Nixon shakes hands with Chinese citizens in Tianannen Square during a visit to China as a private citizen.

October 28, 2020

Election 2020
Make America Vote Again

The United States trails far behind most advanced democracies when it comes to voter turnout, with just 55 percent of eligible voters participating in the 2016 election. What are other countries doin…

Podcast A man in a mask at a polling place