51 Results for:

April 3, 2017

A Cyberattack on the U.S. Power Grid

The U.S. power grid has long been considered a logical target for a major cyberattack. Besides the intrinsic importance of the power grid to a functioning U.S. society, all sixteen sectors of the U.S. economy deemed to make up the nation’s critical infrastructure rely on electricity. Disabling or otherwise interfering with the power grid in a significant way could thus seriously harm the United States.

Cyberattack on the US power grid

May 14, 2015

Strategic Risks of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

Introduction As major powers increasingly rely on digital networks for critical services, the number of plausible network attacks, accidents, or failures that could trigger or exacerbate an intern…

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February 15, 2024

Leadership Change in Russia

Vladimir Putin’s grip on power in Russia does not appear as ironclad as it once did. Liana Fix and Maria Snegovaya recommend that the United States prepare for potential leadership change in Moscow a…

Vladimir Putin walks with Russian generals in 2021.

July 28, 2015

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
A Violent Uprising in the West Bank

Introduction There is growing risk of a violent uprising in the West Bank that could be costly to Israelis and Palestinians and harmful to U.S. interests. Violence could be ignited in various ways…

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February 15, 2018

A Venezuelan Refugee Crisis

In addition to a sharp economic downturn, Venezuela faces a humanitarian crisis. The United States can do little to prevent a downward spiral, but it should take measures to mitigate the political, economic, and humanitarian consequences of a potential mass emigration.

Colombian police officers stand in front of people lining up to try to cross into Colombia from Venezuela through   Simon Bolivar International Bridge in Cucuta, Colombia, on January 24, 2018.